The partnership between 3DVerkstan Nordic and Danrobotics A/S, enables a unique possibility in the metal 3d printing landscape, for applications previously not deemed feasible or economical. 3DVerkstan is a leading supplier of solutions for industrial and business 3D printing and …
Meet the winner of the Metal X Challenge
During the summer, 3DVerkstan together with Markforged announced a competition for Swedish students with an interest in additive manufacturing. The challenge was to design a part suitable for printing with Markforged’s ADAM technology, in the Metal X printer. We saw …
SINTEF Manufacturing invests in a Meltio Engine for Robotic Integration
3DVerkstan is excited to share that the Metal Additive Manufacturing research group, at the Norwegian research foundation SINTEF, are incorporating the Meltio Engine Robotic Integration system into their development centre. The Metal Additive Manufacturing research group at SINTEF originated in …
3DVerkstan utökar sin portfolio med Meltio
3DVerkstan Nordic AB ingår samarbete med Meltio – blir distributörer av Meltios metallskrivarsystem i Norden. 3DVerkstan och Meltio, utvecklare av hårdvarulösningar för 3D-utskrift med metall, meddelar idag att 3DVerkstan kommer att spela en nyckelroll i distributionen och supporten av Meltios …